Some nudists haikus

Plunging into the world of art, with some haikus I got inspired to write today as I was working from home in my birthday suit and I updated my profile on deviantart.

I look forward to your comment and particularly if you would like to have more of those?

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love


Photo from, CC0 Public Domain

Thank you for you donation to keep the lights on!

Hello all. I’ve been thinking for a long time to monetize this site. With 20,000 visitors every month, I could at least pay for the expenses. Unfortunately does not allow ads because this site is considered for adult only as it displays nudity. Same with AdSense. So being able to get some ads without going the adult way (a big no-no, as naturism is not an “adult” lifestyle) seems difficult. So, I added a small PayPal donation button on the sidebar (and below). This will allow me to continue paying for hosting and if successful make the site more visible. Naturism is one of my passion and a lifestyle I embraced.

Thank you for helping me continuing carrying the flag!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Looking for a naturist rental? Look no further!

If you are a naturist and travel all around the world for holidays or work, it may be difficult to find places where you can spend time naked. There’s a lot of B&B liked websites, and it’s a great way to find affordable wonderful places and meet new people but finding naked-friendly places is not an easy task. Well, look no further, as a naturist couple has decided to create an Airbnb equivalent for naturists: Naturist BnB.

NaturistBnBLogoAs the site about states: “We are a couple in our late 40’s who learn to enjoy naturist lifestyle years ago. Recently we started also as an Airbnb host. Anyhow we realized that Airbnb community does not really encourage naturist lifestyle. That inspired us to create a site dedicated to naturist holidays with ease and convenience of Airbnb. Hope you enjoy it!”

Not only, you will be able to find naturist B&Bs anywhere in the world (the site is growing, so expect more and more choices, but a lot of countries are already listed), you will be able to register your own naturist property. It’s a great way to rent that room or that house that you own to naturists, and make some extra money, while enjoying naked time.

I cannot but commend this great initiative that promotes naturism. It’s a wonderful way to meet new naturists around the world and stay in a naked-friendly environment. I look forward to being able to use Naturist B&B service for my next trip abroad.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Nudist idea #100: Share the love of nudism

Here we are, the 100th idea. A little more than 100 days ago, I committed to share 100 nudity ideas to increase nude time and nudist friends, and this is it. Been there, done that!

I hope it has given you some ideas about how to share more of this lifestyle. If you are not a nudist, it may have triggered interests in becoming a nudist. In all cases, I hope it will increase the number of nudists around you, make you “come out” as a proud nudist, and help you share what naturism/nudism is about.

At the end of the day, naturism is a natural and healthy lifestyle. It has so many health, psychological and social benefits, described in numerous books and articles that you will find on this site and others, dedicated or not to naturism. As I wrote multiple time, nudity is comfortable and when you start living naked and doing activities naked, you will too find nudity much more comfortable than clothing, and completely natural. Unfortunately, our society has manufactured body shame, for many reasons, and the fashion industry has sexualized the naked body, up to a point that a vast majority of the population equates naked body with sex.

If you are not born in a naturist environment, you will probably need to learn to differentiate nudity from sex, and regain the pleasure of being naked outside of your bedroom. Enjoying the air on your skin, carrying all-day activity in your birthday suit, sharing nudity with others. All this may require courage at the beginning, but will quickly become a second nature. So all that nudists have to do is share! Share the beauty and comfort of being naked! Share the fact there’s nothing wrong in being naked at home, outside, alone and with others. There’s nothing wrong or dirty with naked bodies. To the opposite, we should be proud of our body, it’s ours and we have only one! It’s not about showing off or displaying it, it’s just about showing how confident and comfortable we are.

So my last idea is just the idea of this blog and why I created it some time back. Nudism is an incredible lifestyle. In this fast material world, it helps getting back to who we really are, stripped off our expensive status clothing, our shiny objects, and getting back to simplicity of just being naked! Plunge! Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love! You will never regret it!

Nudist idea #99: Have a set of Nudist mugs

Do you like your morning cuppa? What does your mug look like? I personally love my nudist mugs. Not only they are convenient for my morning coffee, but when friends come at home, they are great to use for shared coffee and tea.

Image result for nudist mug

As for many other nudist apparels, you fill find dozens of online shops that sell nudist mugs. Just run a search on “nudist mug”, and you will find literally hundreds of design with different types of mugs. Either have a full set of the same mug, or, have different ones, just for fun. Whatever your choice, make sure to use them on a daily basis.

You will also find traveling mugs. Those are great when you commute. Fill it, jump into your car, and finish it at the office. It will be a wonderful ice breaker with your co-workers, showing your pride of being a nudist. It’s a great way to start the conversation and why not have some of your co-workers joining you at the club for a day. The more naturists, the better. Show the pride!

Do you have nudist mugs? Are you using them with your friends? Tell us about your experience in the comments below. Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Nudist idea #98: Stick a nudist bumper sticker


Image result for nudist bumper sticker

No need to drive naked, although it’s pleasant, to show others that you are a proud nudist. Just stick a bumper sticker telling the world that a nudist is behind the wheel. When you are proud of something, you may want to show it, stick it on your car!


You will find plenty of online shops that sell nudist bumber stickers like the one shared on this post. Pick the design you prefer, the one that goes best with the color of your car and stick it! The more we show we are nudists to the world, the better, as it exposes nudism to more people and make people speak about it, IMHO.

Do you have a nudist bumper sticker? How do people react? Tell us about your experience in the comments below. Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Nudist idea #97: Get a nudist cap

Whether you are naked or not, when it’s sunny, you need to protect your head with a hat. My choice goes to a cap, a nudist cap, that I can wear when I need to be clothed too.

Image result for nudist cap

You will find great nudist caps in the the same shop you will find other nudist apparels and gears. Just refer to my post Nudist idea #71: Have a nudist tote bag. You will find many colors and design to show your preferred lifestyle. At the nudist beach or club, it’s a no-brainer to get protected. But the real additional benefit is when you are not naked, as this will inevitably provoke some questions from other acquaintances, who may discover that you are a nudist, like with nudist t-shirts. It then becomes a great ice breaker to introduce our awesome lifestyle. Have you pitch ready and make sure you end it by inviting the people you’re discussing with to your club for a day, to have them discover naturism.

Do you have a nudist cap? Do you wear it often? How do people react? Tell us about your experience in the comments below. Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Nudist idea #96: Go to hot spring pools

Beyond nude beaches, hot spring pools are places where nudity is generally accepted if not encouraged. It has some skinny-dipping flavor to it. It’s a great way to spend some time naked with others, encourage social nudity and break the ice to discuss naturism.

Related imageYou find hot spring pools in many countries around the world. In most, nudity is tolerated if not encouraged. Some are easily reachable, others require some good hiking shoes. Depending on the location and time of the year, you can even think of coupling your trip with a naked hike. Shed your clothes on the parking lot, hike naked to the pool, enjoy the day there and come back naked. This could be a full naked day in nature.

Image result for natural hot spring poolsOne of the cool things with hot spring pools is that, since nudity is accepted, you can go with non-nudist who will enjoy their naked time there. This becomes therefore a great moment to open up about nudism, share the comfort of nudity and invite them to join them to your next club week-end. Just like a beach cleaning event, you can leverage your time into recruitment time, and enjoy more friends joining the lifestyle, as the world needs more nudists!

Have you gone to hot spring pools? How was it? Tell us about your experience in the comments below. Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Nudist idea #95: Create a naked hikes subgroup inside the local hiking group

There are many hiking group and very few naked hiking ones Sometimes it’s difficult to setup naked hikes, just because of the lack of members. One way to overcome the challenge is to create a naked hike subgroup within a larger hiking group.

Image result for randonné naturisteIf you love to hike naked and know about a clothed hiking group, pay the latter a visit. Become a member, explain that you are a member of a local nudist group, and that sometimes you hike naked. Ask if the group would accept naked hikers during normal hikes and if a subgroup of naked hikers could be setup.

There’s of course a risk that the group refuses, but there’s a chance it accepts. It can therefore work multiple ways:

  • You can join normal hikes and get naked if the group accepts, showing people social nudity is normal.
  • You can setup your own naked hikes and invite others to participate naked or not.
  • You can help the organizing committee showing your commitment to the group.

Image result for randonnée naturisteThe whole idea is to expose more people to naturism and naked hiking in particular, showing there’s nothing wrong with it, and inviting others to shed their clothes to enjoy the freedom. This will be a recruitment driving force for your nudist club too.

Have you organized a naked hike group? How is it working? Tell us about your experience in the comments below. Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

(c) Photo, les Randonneurs Nu de Provence

Nudist idea #94: Organize a beach cleaning event, naked

After winter, the beaches are not generally as clean as they were during summer. Winter storms have thrown on the shores many trashes. Spring is an ideal time to help get the beach clean for the warm season. Why not offering your arms to your municipality? With one twist: clean the beach naked to promote naturism?

Image result for nudist beach cleaningOf course, if you want to clean a naked beach, you will not need any authorization. However, if you want to be a good citizen and offer your arms, it will require some negotiation. Propose to your nudist club to go and see the municipality to see if they need help to clean the beach. Tell them you are ready to do this for free with the help of your nudist club members. You will clean the nudist part of the beach and may be others if the municipal council agrees.

Image result for nettoyage plage naturisteIf you have a go, ensure it drives some publicity from the local press and use this event to promote naturism. If the weather does not allow you to be naked, so be it, but ensure people know that you are from the nearby naturist club and promote naturism, by offering a free day at the club to newbies. You will kill many birds with one stone: promoting naturism, recruiting new members and setting your club in the normal social setting. Icing on the cake, you will have a clean beach for spring and summer!

Have you organized a naked beach cleaning event? How was it? Tell us about your experience in the comments below. Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!