Nudist idea #100: Share the love of nudism

Here we are, the 100th idea. A little more than 100 days ago, I committed to share 100 nudity ideas to increase nude time and nudist friends, and this is it. Been there, done that!

I hope it has given you some ideas about how to share more of this lifestyle. If you are not a nudist, it may have triggered interests in becoming a nudist. In all cases, I hope it will increase the number of nudists around you, make you “come out” as a proud nudist, and help you share what naturism/nudism is about.

At the end of the day, naturism is a natural and healthy lifestyle. It has so many health, psychological and social benefits, described in numerous books and articles that you will find on this site and others, dedicated or not to naturism. As I wrote multiple time, nudity is comfortable and when you start living naked and doing activities naked, you will too find nudity much more comfortable than clothing, and completely natural. Unfortunately, our society has manufactured body shame, for many reasons, and the fashion industry has sexualized the naked body, up to a point that a vast majority of the population equates naked body with sex.

If you are not born in a naturist environment, you will probably need to learn to differentiate nudity from sex, and regain the pleasure of being naked outside of your bedroom. Enjoying the air on your skin, carrying all-day activity in your birthday suit, sharing nudity with others. All this may require courage at the beginning, but will quickly become a second nature. So all that nudists have to do is share! Share the beauty and comfort of being naked! Share the fact there’s nothing wrong in being naked at home, outside, alone and with others. There’s nothing wrong or dirty with naked bodies. To the opposite, we should be proud of our body, it’s ours and we have only one! It’s not about showing off or displaying it, it’s just about showing how confident and comfortable we are.

So my last idea is just the idea of this blog and why I created it some time back. Nudism is an incredible lifestyle. In this fast material world, it helps getting back to who we really are, stripped off our expensive status clothing, our shiny objects, and getting back to simplicity of just being naked! Plunge! Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love! You will never regret it!

Nudist idea #72: Taking care of yourself (pampering)

We live in a fast-paced world and stopping to breathe is essential to our well-being. The Cambridge dictionary gives the following definition for pamper: to give someone special treatment, making that person as comfortable as possible and giving them whatever they want.

Image result for naked bath

There are many ways to give oneself special treatment (and no, this may not be what you think about). Here are some ideas to spend a comfortable time. Put some cool and relaxing music. Start with a bath, or a shower if you do not have a bathtub. And take your time! Take your time to enjoy the water on your body, to regain your sensation and to slow down. If you have the chance to have a sauna, or pamper at your spa (allowing full nudity), spend some time in the sauna for a good sweat.

Image result for naked pampering

Once done, dry yourself and apply generously body lotion. Once again take your time to massage your body, starting from your feet and going up to your face. Be kind and gentle with your skin. Appreciate it, how it protects you and how it is beautiful. Then, you can shave or wax your body if you want to get rid of your hair. You can spend some time on your nails, both feet and hands, to make them perfect, and apply some nail polish. Take care of your face, shaving, applying some face scrub and lotion, and makeup. If you happen to have a companion, you can ask him/her to give you a massage, then the rest may be really personal. Enjoy!

Do you take time to take care of yourself? How is it? We would love to hear about your experiences with it in the comment section below. As usual, Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love !

Are you with or without (clothes)?

As naturists, we are much better without clothes. The German photographer Sophia Vogel has deliver a photo project called With and Without, showing the each time the same scene with the same people, clothed and naked.

All pictures depicts normal life situations, like in the two examples provided in this post (all pictures (c) Sophia Vogel). It depicts the fact that clothes are not required when we are not seeing naked bodies as sexual representations but only as naked bodies.

The pictures are beautiful and the photographer has created a hard cover book that can be purchased for 40 euros plus P&H. A wonderful work that shows that nudism is normal and natural.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!


Nudist idea #42: Be a naked model

Being naked is natural. There’s actually nothing more natural than just being who you are without any artificial cover. Posing naked for art students is one of the most natural and normal artistic activities.

Image result for naked art model

The human body is one of the most beautiful creation. There are numerous wonderful nude painting. However, to learn how to paint human bodies, artists need models. A lot of art schools are asking for models to pose naked or clothed. Being a naturist, getting naked should not be big a problem. Staying still for hours will be, but art teachers will provide ample poses so you can relax, and move.

Image result for posing naked male art model classOf course, you may argue that posing naked is not really enjoying nudity. It’s true that staying still for hours may not be the best experience of your life. But, for some, it’s a great way to make some good money and enjoy a piece of nudity, a state in which nudists are comfortable. Look for art schools and ask whether they are looking for live models. If you have some free time, this may be a good way to get naked more often and spread the positive message of naturism.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and comments below and remember to Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

How Becoming A Nudist Helped Me Accept My Body

A great article on body confidence and how nudism helps, from the mainstream press:

Going to nudist events made me realize quickly that there is no “perfect” body. Nudists (or naturists, if you will) consider the human body a beautiful creation, and something of which no one should be ashamed.

Share your experiences and comments below and remember to Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

What I Learned About Body Positivity By Running Naked At A Nudist Ranch

Here’s another great article promoting body positivity and naturism in the mainstream online press: What I Learned About Body Positivity By Running Naked At A Nudist Ranch. The subtitle is “Eventually, I stopped seeing naked people and just saw people.” I would say almost all is said in this subtitle. This says clearly naturism is not about exhibitionism or voyeurism, it’s just about being who we are.

As naturists, we know naturists look at each other in the eyes and do not judge others by their body shape, color, size or any physical trait. This is why I really like this article. Ponder this quote for a moment:

Social nudism isn’t about seeing and proving; it’s about experiencing

Share your comments below and remember to Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Why I’m Getting Naked On The Internet – #getmorenaked

Jessi Kneeland’s “purpose on earth is to help all women break free from the body image issues, fear, shame, and armor that hold them back”. And this is one of the reasons she’s decided to get naked on the internet.

Jessi is a coach, teacher, speaker, and writer dedicated to helping women love their bodies. What better way to love you body than to first accept it naked when you look yourself in the mirror. As she says in her About, “Your body affects how you think and feel, and how you think and feel affects your body. Learning to love and accept yourself requires working on, and healing, both ends”.

Her post is an ode to nudity, the deeply rooted explanation of what nudity can bring to any human being. As she rightly writes, “instead of seeing that breasts and bellies and thighs come in all sorts of wonderful shapes and sizes, we see only bodies that have been surgically and digitally altered to all look more or less the same”.

The human body comes into so many various shapes that we forget diversity makes beauty, not uniformity. By totally accepting our own body, nudity becomes natural again. So simple and so difficult at the same time. Difficult because society is brainwashing us to consume more, to want more, to have more.

By embracing naturism as a lifestyle, we are more, more human, more ourselves, more true. Being a naturist is not easy though, as Jessi claims, “I know some people won’t understand, and won’t approve. I know I’ll probably lose followers for this”. May be, but the people who loves you and understands you will get closer and will be even more faithful. And beyond this, you’ll embark many women and men who feel uncomfortable with their own body and who will learn from you and your experience.

Naturism is one of the best lifestyles to get back our natural lives, to accept and be accepted for who we are, not for what we claim we are. Naked, we bare our soul too. I close this post on a file quote by Jessi:

Our naked bodies are all fundamentally, inherently, and eternally right, and I challenge you to stop running from them.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live naked and Share the Naked Love!

Want Better Self-Confidence? Get Naked!

This is probably one of the best articles I’ve read on how to boost self-confidence by embracing nudism. Although this article focuses on getting comfortable in your own skin by sleeping naked or practicing yoga naked, it does not touch on social nudity.

However, embracing the naturist lifestyle by spending time with other naturists in the buff starts by getting comfortable with oneself. And on that, the article of Danielle Keating is spot-on.

Here are a few quotes from the article:

Not only is baring your skin natural, but going nude is also rich in both psychological and biological benefits.

If you work out alone, the best fit is nothing at all.

Self-love is attainable and can be obtained through nakedness, because when you strip down, your physical and mental health goes up!

One comment was insightful too, from a psychological point of view:

How empowering it is to do something that you may feel is a big deal and discover that you are fine.

It’s true that the first time you undress, you may feel uncomfortable, but growth comes from moving from comfort zone to un-comfort, so that your comfort zone increases. One additional point for the people who are definitely not familiar with nudity is to “unlearn” the relationship between sex and a nude body.

Society has been building this relationship for years by sexualizing heavily the human body. However, as any naturist know, nothing is further from the real truth. Being naked does not have to mean having sex. Being naked means accepting our own body and being comfortable with it. Once you are OK with that, you can move to the next step which is being social with your own nudity and with others.

You will find 10 Ways To Become Comfortable With Nudity on this blog. I sincerely think the above article will help you getting comfortable with your own nude body and will get you closer to become the naturist you can be. However, watch out! Naturism is very addictive. Once you try, you may never go back to being textile.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Nude is the way to practice yoga

Here’s a wonderful article on nagna yoga, that is naked yoga, or yoga practiced sans clothes, written by a yoga and meditation teacher, Alex Myles. Not only the pictures, uncensored to display the glory of the human body, are stunning and awesome, the text is so refreshing on the freedom that nudity procures. Here are some quotes from the article I particularly appreciated.

When practicing yoga I do so fully naked as a way of honoring and uniting each part of myself.

Although being naked has come to feel very unnatural for many, when we are naked we are in our most natural state of being.

Practicing yoga naked is the most liberating, self-loving and self-accepting thing I have ever experienced.

That was one of the greatest lessons I learned—to breathe, accept and let go.

Removing clothing, rather than putting fabric on my skin, to practice yoga seems to me the most natural thing to do.

I see the body as a work of art, an ever changing masterpiece that is an outer reflection of our inner nourishment.

There are many other quotes that resonated deeply. However, the strongest part was the description of the first time Alex got naked and how she fought her feelings of insecurity and the journey of her liberation. It’s a beautiful text on the beauty of nudity I was writing about yesterday, and an calling to practice Yoga, and other sports and activities, naked.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

What I Learned About Body Positivity By Running Naked At A Nudist Ranch

Another wonderful article in the mainstream press about naturism and body positivity. Some wonderful quotes:

I stopped seeing naked people and just saw people

It’s not often in your life that large groups of people openly accept you and cheer for you despite what your body looks like or your physical ability

Social nudism isn’t about seeing and proving; it’s about experiencing

Everyone is naked and vulnerable. When no one is hiding behind masks, it makes it much easier to accept one another and yourself

Read the full article from the Huffington post here: What I Learned About Body Positivity By Running Naked At A Nudist Ranch.

And if wonder what to wear to run naked, read The perfect gears to run naked.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!