Nudist idea #81: Organize a naked board games event

Playing game board is an activity that seems to disappear since video games took on. However, some board games stay popular and a good game of Monopoly, Clue or Risk is guaranteed fun.

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However, as a home nudist, playing board games naked seems a pretty standard activity. Make it standard for friends and family. Send an invitation for a board games evening, remembering participants this happens in a nudist home, and clothing theme “no clothing allowed”. Of course, remind the participants you are talking about social nudism and this is not sexual at all. It’s all about being comfortable in your own skin. You can remind them of the definition of naturism by the International Naturist Federation: “Naturism is a way of life in harmony with nature characterised by the practice of communal nudity with the intention of encouraging self-respect, respect for others and for the environment”.

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The main idea of a naked board game event is to spread the idea of naturism/nudism. There’s nothing wrong with being naked and many benefits of sharing nudity with others as it has been described in various articles and posts. Board games are fun. Playing with friends those games makes wonderful memories. Let’s just play them in the best suited suit, your own birthday suit.

Did you organize a naked board games evening? How was it? Share your experiences in the comments below. In the meantime, Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Nudist idea #43: Have a naked Christmas

This may be controversial, as for most of us in the Northern hemisphere, the weather is not really pro-nudity. However, if you happen to be in the Southern hemisphere, you should consider spending Christmas in your birthday suit, and if North, light a good fire or push up a little the temperature to be able to be naked, and have a naked Christmas!

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Having a naked Christmas has many benefits. The first being not to have to purchase fancy and expensive clothes. Just be as you are! It will be the less costly Christmas and you’ll be able to spend a little more on a good Champagne or Caviar. The second is it will be the most relaxed Christmas you’ll ever had, as all nudists know that nudity brings a good level of levity to human relationships. Finally, it will be an awesome unique experience!

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If you’re not celebrating Christmas, it’s a great opportunity to get naked, full stop! If you are and you have dinner with friends or family, setting up the scene for a naked Christmas dinner will trigger a lot of discussions and awkward moments for sure, and may end up with a great time. Of course, some will say that Christmas is a great moment to dress up and so be it! Add some jewelery to your body, wear a nice hat, put some nice shoes on, there are many ways to dress up while staying naked! Be creative, have fun and Merry Xmas!

Thank you for sharing your experiences and comments below and remember to Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

9 Reasons Why You Should Garden Naked

The first Saturday of May is World Naked Gardening Day. It’s come again on Saturday, May 6. The site published a blog post describing the 9 reasons why you should never, ever garden naked. Here are the same 9 reasons why you should in fact garden naked as much as possible, and not only on the first Saturday of May!

1: Because some bugs bite. Some bugs bite through fabric too, or can go inside the clothes, like ticks, for instance, while naked, you may spot them. Of course, do not go fetch honey in a hive naked… reason should always prevail! But to my experience, bugs will not bite you more if you are stark naked except if you move a hive and become the target of the disturbed bees.

2: Because garden tools are sharp. Protect your hands and pay attention. Knives are sharp too, you do not wear gloves to cut your steak! Of course, if you are using powertools, you will require protection!

3: Because thorns. It’s not because you are naked that you do not wear gardening gloves (see point 8) and pay attention. Of course, if you have to work on your rosebush, wear some protection. Here again reason prevails.

4: And poison ivy. And all other things that are dangerous in nature like thistle, nettle and other thorny bushes… if you have to cut those plants, cover yourself with the right attire of course.

5: Because sunburn isn’t cool. And because sun cream is there to protect your skin. Don’t you use it when you go to the beach? Use it too when you are outside in your garden.

6: And gardening involves lots of leaning over. And even when wearing a pant, nothing prevents you to kneel on a blanket.

7: But naked means no legit reason to wear Wellies. Wearing boots, you can still be naked!

8: Or colorful gardening gloves. I love them! They go well with my skin complexion!

9: Or cute safari hats. It’s not because you are naturist, you are stupid. Of course a hat is the right protection agains the sun, particularly if you are bald!

Come on, gardening naked, like any other naked activities is just awesome.

5 reasons why you should go on naturist vacation with children

A great post by SpotNaked. If you do not know what to do next holiday and have kids: pick a naturist resort and book your stay! The 5 good reasons explained are:

  1. Save Money and Time. Pack less, pay less!
  2. Easier for the small ones and less comparison. Don’t ask the kids to get dressed, no need to show off with your fancy clothes!
  3. Children learn about their body. And learn respect!
  4. Diversity leads to acceptance. We are all the same while we are all different!
  5. Get Back to You. Your natural and inner you!

And I would add a sixth one: Meet like-minded people and kids. Naturists are mostly friendly and the most naturist friends you have, the more naked time you will enjoy!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!