The creative process of a #naturist cartoon

I have been enjoying creating the cartoon The Secret Life of a Naturist for the Clothes Free Life online magazine for the past three weeks and thought I would give a you a sneak peek at the creating process that goes into each one. Creating a cartoon old school (without computer graphics) by drawing and […]

via From Idea to Concept: Creating The Secret Life of a Naturist — Naturist Fab

How Becoming A Nudist Helped Me Accept My Body

A great article on body confidence and how nudism helps, from the mainstream press:

Going to nudist events made me realize quickly that there is no “perfect” body. Nudists (or naturists, if you will) consider the human body a beautiful creation, and something of which no one should be ashamed.

Share your experiences and comments below and remember to Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Nudist idea #7: Leave your #Naturist Magazines on your Coffee Table

If you like the #Nudist idea #5: Subscribe to a Naturist Magazine, then the next step is to share your passion for naturism, by letting your visitors read your magazines. And the best way, IMHO, to do this is to let those magazines on your coffee table for anybody to grab a copy.

coffee-table.jpgLetting those magazines and books (I’ll go over naturist books in a future post) openly available is a great ice breaker. Of course people who know you are a naturist will appreciate to have some topics to discuss, and people who do not know you are a naturist may be surprised by those copies, and this is where the rubber hits the road. And the question will pop up: are you a naturist? Your genuine answer will be yes, and you can start from there.

One may argue that those publications are adult publications. If it’s unfortunately true that they are generally sold in the adult section of bookstores, I really do not consider them as adult readings. They are focused on the naturist lifestyle, which social and  family-oriented, and therefore should be available to all public.

Of course, the stigma of naked bodies is still strong, this is why we should all be naturism advocates. As naturists, we know what naturism is, how we benefit from it and how others can benefit from it too. This is why it should be widely accepted and we need to recruit more naturists. After all, as previously said, naturism is legal in lots of countries. We therefore should not shy away of spreading around us we are naturists and we love it!

Share your comments below and remember to Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Nudist idea #5: Subscribe to a #naturist magazine

If you are a member of your national naturist federation, there is a good chance that you receive their publication, like for instance The Bulletin from AANR or Gonatural of the NZNF.  However, this should not stop you subscribing to other naturist publications that exist, as shown in the post entitled 42 Naturist Publication:  periodicals, although the list is far from being exhaustive. Let’s go through some I know.

36.3 Nude & Natural MagazineThe first example that comes to mind is the Naturist Society N magazine. As it is described on the Naturist Society’s website, “The quarterly magazine N, the magazine of naturist living gives you the skinny on naturist news, views, and updates on the role of nudity across the globe. N offers readers a deftly balanced blend of timely news and features, incisive commentary and reviews, and perceptive site reports from naturist venues near and far. It’s all tastefully illustrated with full-color images that take you to the very heart of the naturist experience.”

H&E November 2017 naturist nudist magazine health efficiencyThen, for English reader, H&E Naturist Magazine is a great pick. H&E Naturist claims to be the world’s leading magazine for clothes-free lifestyle, and I believe it is, as this magazine is of very high quality and had been on the market since 1900 (yes, more than one hundred years!). As its about states, “H&E naturist (originally Health and Efficiency) is the world’s leading monthly commercial magazine focusing on the naturist and nudist lifestyle. Its regular articles and columns focus largely on travel, health and culture, as well as various features on arts and books with a naked theme”. Naturism is central to H&E Naturism and all articles have a naturist flavor.

For our French readers, there are two publications in France that are worth reading. The first is Naturisme Magazine. As its title implies, it’s dedicated to naturism and contains many articles on the lifestyle as well on naturist club/resort news. The other one is called La Vie au Soleil (Life under the Sun). It’s a great publication that ideally complements Naturisme Magazine and goes deep in topics related to nudism and naturism. Those are great magazine for anybody interested in the nudist lifestyle and want to learn/share more about nudism/naturism.

There are many others in other languages (Dutch, German, etc.). All above publications are very qualitative with sensible and valuable information about naturism. Despite being sold sometimes in the adult section of the bookstores, they all are shareable with your friends and family. It’s a great way to start naturist conversation with non naturist friends. A must for all naturist.

Share your comments below and remember to Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Naturisme Magazine, un must pour tous les naturistes

Si vous ne connaissez pas Naturisme Magazine, il est temps, avant l’été, de le découvrir. Comme l’indique le dossier de presse, Naturisme Magazine est le seul magazine français dédié au naturisme vendu sur abonnement et en maison de presse.

NatMagAbonné depuis quelques temps, c’est tous les deux mois une joie de recevoir le nouveau numéro. Exclusivement dédié au naturisme, comme son titre l’indique, chaque numéro couvre de nombreux sujets qui y ont trait. On y trouve, pèle-mèle: des nouvelles du monde naturiste, des reportages sur des lieux naturistes, des articles santé, des interviews de personnes liées au naturisme, des articles sur l’art et la phsychologie… De nombreux sujets variés, avec le fil commun du naturisme, cet art de vivre que des millions de personnes apprécient en France et ailleurs.

Le site contient également un blog, qui reprend certains des articles du magazine, mais pas seulement. Le site ne s’arrête pas là ! Vous y trouvez un espace Boutique qui permet outre de s’abonner à Naturisme Magazine, d’en acheter des précédents numéros ainsi que le Guide des Espaces Naturistes de France et d’ailleurs. EspacesNatsCe dernier regroupe 137 centres de vacances, gîtes et chambres d’hôtes, 25 campings associatifs, 104 associations, 26 piscines urbaines et 73 plages. De quoi trouver son bonheur naturiste à côté de chez soi. Il est enfin possible d’acheter quelques articles de plage, bien utiles pour l’été.

Mais l’espace que je préfère sur le site est celui des cartes postales. Il s’agit d’un ensemble de photos, certaines naturistes, d’autres pas, mais toutes avec le logo du magazine, que vous pouvez envoyer à vos amis. L’adresse du destinataire, un message et un simple clic et c’est parti pour faire la promotion de votre style de vie préféré. Très cool en vacances pour donner des nouvelles aux amis.

Naturisme Magazine, c’est le moyen sympathique et idéal pour briser la glace. Laissez le dernier numéro trainer sur la table basse de votre salon et vous êtes certain de parler naturisme lors de votre prochain diner entre amis, et là encore, de diffuser le message du naturisme. Enfin, pour les chantres du tout numérique, Naturisme Magazine existe aussi en version électronique. Un bon moyen d’emmener sa collection sur sa tablette. N’attendez pas, découvrez Naturisme Magazine et abonnez-vous !

Dénudez-vous, restez nu, vivez nu et partagez l’amour du naturisme !